Hi HEAT Heat Family,
We are less than two weeks away from our Anaheim HEAT event on May 21-23 at the Santa Clara Marriott! Please read ALL of the following.
1) WAIVERS: most of our dancers have NOT signed their waivers. All waivers for dancers must be signed before attending the event. If we do not have a signed waiver, a dancer will not be allowed to participate as it is even more important this year to have signed waivers. There is an embedded link in the PDF for the waiver. Please email this to your parents so that they can sign it for their dancers. Also, here is the link below.
2). OBSERVERS: Due to size and space restrictions and our capacity – observer space is limited. Observer passes should be purchased ahead of time through the studio and will not be available in person on the day of the event. We apologize for any inconvenience, as it is important to us to include observers at HEAT despite them being barred at many other conventions. If we reach capacity for our observers in a particular room, we may initiate observer rotation. We so appreciate your cooperation in our mutual goal to facilitate a safe space for our children to dance!
3) AUDIENCE: HEAT is happy to offer a limited audience seating capacity during our studio blocked competition. Observer bands are not required. You will receive an email with the audience allotment in the next few days.
4) LIVE STREAMING: Competition and Awards Ceremony will be live streamed at the link below.
5) STUDIO DELEGATE BRUNCH: Please join us Sunday Morning for our HEAT Brunch with Studio Owner & Directors. We’re so grateful to our studios and will be hosting a brunch and sneak peek of next season with selected studio delegates – owners/directors. Please email us the name of your studio delegate(s). Studio Delegates are Studio Owners or Directors.
6) CLOSED AUDITION: HEAT is excited to provide opportunities to the next generation of dancers to help them follow their career and artistic passions, goals, and dreams to success. HEAT is pleased to sponsor more than $200,000 of scholarship funds at our event.
7) TEACHER CLASSES: Studio Owners/Directors are Free – so please register them ahead of time and email/call me to waive the fee. HEAT is all about EDUCATION and will be offering teacher and parent classes on various topics including: mental health, dance history, safety, race communication, anatomy, etc. We want to help support you to help support your dancers – so please attend!
8) PARENT CLASSES: At a few of our Teacher classes will invite our PARENTS to join, as these topics are especially timely and useful to all our adult attendees.
9) HOTEL RATE: Our HEAT Event rate of $119 will be available until Monday, May 10. Below is the link to book your room:
10) SAME DAY PRODUCTIONS: HEAT is happy to provide photo and video recording of our competition routines. Photos/videos can be pre-ordered at the link below:
11) COVID-19 GUIDELINES: Face coverings are required at all times in the hotel, including in our ballrooms. Face coverings are not required for dancers actively competing on stage. Face shields are acceptable for individuals with respiratory conditions. We will also be enforcing social distancing, taking temperatures, and implementing further health practices. Please avoid bunching up and gathering with individuals that are not of your immediate family, studio, or others that you are traveling with. Please respect the space of our faculty and staff during this sensitive time – as some do have pre-existing conditions that could be made worse if exposed to COVID-19. If you are not feeling well, please stay home and seek treatment if necessary.
We’re so excited to have you very soon!
Let me know if you have any questions and have a great evening!
Thanks again,